This study program offers courses in computer science, mathematics, and psychological and pedagogical education. In the first semester, 3 subjects are compulsory, and two are optional from a list of 3. All subjects are one-semester. For each subject, 75 hours of active teaching are planned per semester. Each subject carries 6 points. The second semester is scheduled for SIR and the preparation of the master’s thesis.
The main purpose of this study program is:
* education of students for clear recognition and definition of the profession related to informatics and mathematics in modern society,
* acquisition of competences for teaching in secondary and primary education.
* to provide students with quality general as well as professional education in the fields of computer science and mathematics,
* that students acquire and transfer knowledge and skills in the field of informatics and mathematics,
* to develop creativity in students’ work.
By mastering this study program, students will receive the necessary professional, pedagogical and psychological competencies for the successful implementation of all educational programs in the field of computer science and mathematics at the elementary and secondary school level. They will be trained to perform all types of classes: regular, additional, optional and supplementary.