Candidates who have completed basic academic studies in Biology and have collected 240 ESPB points, who during their basic studies have collected at least 18 ESPB points from the group of psychological, pedagogic and methodical subjects, can apply for the competition for admission to the Master of Biology academic studies, BIOLOGY PROFESSOR MODULE.
Candidates with completed basic academic studies in Biology, or with completed related basic academic studies, who have collected at least 240 ESPB points, can apply for admission to the master’s degree in Biology, MODULE BIOMEDICINE.
The structure of the master’s academic studies in Biology consists of 2 compulsory courses, two optional modules (PROFESSOR OF BIOLOGY AND BIOMEDICINE) and a final thesis. Compulsory courses provide basic knowledge for master’s students of both modules, which train students to search professional and scientific literature, databases, use computer programs in the field of biology and prepare a final thesis.
The structure of the module consists of compulsory and optional subjects that enable students to acquire additional knowledge and skills in the field of teaching biology and biomedicine.
The structure of the master’s academic studies in Biology, BIOLOGY PROFESSOR MODULE consists of: 1 compulsory subject, 2 optional subjects, study research work, compulsory school practice and final thesis. Elective subjects are organized into 2 elective blocks. From each elective block, the student chooses one course from the two offered. Elective subjects are from the group of psychological, pedagogical and methodical subjects.
The structure of the master’s academic studies in Biology, BIOMEDICINE MODULE consists of 2 compulsory courses, 2 electives, a study research paper and a final paper. Elective subjects are organized into 2 elective blocks. From the first elective block, the student chooses one course from the two offered. From the second elective block, the student chooses one subject from the four offered.
Students of the master’s academic studies in biology, BIOMEDICINE MODULE, who have completed the basic academic studies in biology and have collected at least 18 ESPB points from the group of psychological, pedagogical and methodical subjects, can take additional optional subjects of the PROFESSOR OF BIOLOGY module and complete the school internship. In this way, students of the Biomedicine module acquire the necessary 36 ESPB points from school practice and a group of psychological, pedagogical and methodical subjects, which makes them competent to work in the field of teaching biology.
Each subject of the Study Program is expressed by the number of ESPB points, and the scope of studies is expressed by the sum of ESPB points for one-year studies (60 ESPB in total). In the school year, the sum of ESPB points corresponds to the average total engagement of students in the scope of a 4-hour work week. The total engagement of the student consists of active teaching (lectures, exercises, laboratory exercises and study research work), seminars, professional research projects, colloquiums, exams. The total number of hours of active teaching in the academic year in the Study Program is 600.
The purpose of the master’s academic studies in Biology is to educate experts in the field of biology, competent to work in:
* areas of biology teaching (primary schools, gymnasiums and vocational secondary schools);
* research and development laboratories of various medical, pharmaceutical and industrial branches;
* research centers and laboratories for testing and quality control in which knowledge from the field of biology is applicable;
* state administration bodies and inspection services of various state, private and public companies.
By completing the master’s academic studies in Biology, the BIOLOGY PROFESSOR module, an expert in the biological profile competent to work in the field of teaching is formed. By mastering the study program, students acquire specific knowledge necessary for working with students in primary and secondary schools.
By completing the Master’s academic studies in Biology, BIOMEDICINE MODULE, an expert with a biological profile is formed, competent for management and work in various laboratories of medical, pharmaceutical and industrial branches where knowledge from biology is applicable, as well as in various state administration bodies and inspection services.
By mastering the one-year study program through the contents of compulsory and optional subjects, students acquire specific knowledge and skills necessary for managing and implementing laboratory work, interpreting and evaluating results. Acquired knowledge, competences and skills at master’s academic studies in biology, MODULE
BIOMEDICINE, represent the basis for continuing education at doctoral academic studies in biological and related profiles.
The goal of the master’s academic studies in Biology is the education and training of highly professional staff in the field of biology.
Specific goals of the Study Program through the optional modules offered.
The aim of the study program of master’s academic studies, MODULE PROFESSOR of biology is for students to acquire knowledge and skills in the psychological-pedagogical-methodological fields, which are necessary for work in teaching biology; to understand the learning process; to be trained to transfer acquired knowledge in the field of biology to students in a way appropriate to their age; to train themselves to independently design and conduct theoretical and practical classes; to train for the application of new information
technology and new methodological approaches in teaching biology, in accordance with the abilities and needs of students; to develop a creative attitude towards teaching biology.
By mastering psychological, pedagogical and methodical subjects, as well as through study research work and school practice, the stated goals are achieved.
The aim of the study program of master’s academic studies is, the BIOMEDICINE MODULE is to acquire knowledge and understanding of biological processes at the level of molecules, cells, organ systems and organisms; development of laboratory work skills; development of the ability to integrate acquired knowledge; training students for practical application of acquired knowledge and skills; development of creative abilities in noticing and solving problems in the field of biomedicine; development of the ability to apply critical and self-critical thinking in the analysis of one’s own and others’ work;
training students for independent and team work; the development of organizational skills and the ability to create policy, perform and lead tasks that require knowledge in the field of biology; developing the ability to present work results to professionals and the general public; acquiring knowledge necessary for further training.
The stated goals are achieved through mastering theoretical-methodological, scientific-professional and professional-applicative subjects, as well as through laboratory and studio research work.
By mastering the Master’s academic studies in Biology, BIOLOGY PROFESSOR MODULE, the student acquires the following abilities:
* basic knowledge and understanding of psychological-pedagogical-methodical methods and techniques in teaching biology;
* adaptation of biology lessons to students’ abilities and needs by applying new information technologies and methodical approaches;
* connecting acquired knowledge in the field of biology and methodology in the teaching process;
* monitoring and application of the latest knowledge in the field of biology and teaching;
* development of skills and dexterity in imparting knowledge to students;
* use of information and communication technologies for collecting and processing information from the field of biology and teaching;
* analysis and synthesis of acquired knowledge in the field of biology and the teaching process and their application in predicting solutions and consequences of problems;
* application of modern methodological and informational methods in teaching biology;
* critical and self-critical thinking and approach to the teaching process;
* application of acquired knowledge and skills from the psychological-pedagogical-methodical fields in the realization of specific tasks of teaching biology;
* communication and cooperation with students, the immediate social and international environment;
* respecting ethical principles in professional life and teaching biology.
The outcome of the learning process in the study program of the master’s academic studies in biology is an expert Master biologist who possesses the biological and psychological-pedagogical-methodical knowledge and skills necessary for the successful realization of biology classes.
By mastering the master’s academic studies in biology, the Biomedicine module, the student acquires the following abilities:
* fundamental knowledge and understanding of the structure and principles of functioning of living systems at the level of molecules, cells and organisms;
* drawing conclusions about the function and interaction of living systems using modern laboratory methods and techniques;
* connecting acquired theoretical knowledge and practical skills in professional and experimental work;
* monitoring professional and scientific literature and application of acquired knowledge in practice;
* development of skills in organizing and managing laboratory work;
* the use of information and communication technologies for the collection and processing of information from the field of biomedicine.
* application of integrated knowledge and analytical approach in predicting solutions and consequences of interaction and functioning of biological systems at the level of molecules, cells and organisms;
* mastery of laboratory methods and techniques;
* critical and self-critical thinking and approach in setting hypotheses, planning, management and decision-making;
* application of acquired knowledge and skills in organizing and realizing experimental research and interpreting the obtained results;
* working in a team, presenting results to professionals and the general public, cooperation with colleagues from the country and abroad;
* respect for ethical principles in professional life, professional and scientific research work.
The outcome of the learning process in the master’s academic study program in Biology is an expert Master biologist, who has integrated knowledge and skills for work in professional and scientific research laboratories and institutions, as well as for further education at doctoral judges.