Scientific research program at the State University in Novi Pazar

Scientific research center DUNP

Program of scientific research work at the State University in Novi Pazar (DUNP) in the period 2011-2015. year is based on the results achieved in five years of work, primarily in the teaching process, laboratory equipment and participation in projects of the Ministry of Education and Science, projects of international cooperation, as well as projects with business entities, state bodies and local self-government bodies.
The state university is organized into ten departments for teaching about 50 accredited study programs. Scientific research work is carried out in the departments, scientific research center in ten laboratories. 192 teachers and associates were engaged in development and scientific activities. Of these, 102 are doctors of science, 90 are masters and graduate specialists. DUNP has established cooperation with all state universities in Serbia and with several universities abroad, which has already produced results in joint research, projects and guest appearances by well-known experts from various fields.
Plan and program of scientific and research work DUNP, as a highly educational and scientific and research institution, should contribute to a more even development of the Republic of Serbia in the field of knowledge and innovation.
The scientific research work of the integrated DUNP is oriented towards basic and applied research. The scientific fields represented at DUNP are from the fields of natural-mathematical, technical-technological, social-humanistic and medical sciences and arts. Within the mentioned scientific fields, by Statute DUNP, the narrower scientific fields represented through departments and study programs in the fields of law, economics, Serbian/Bosnian language, psychology, mathematics, physics, biology, chemistry, agricultural production, computing and informatics, audio and video technology, construction and architecture and sports and rehabilitation.

This Program is focused on two basic priorities: (1) continuation of scientific and research work within the framework of already existing content and the start of work on a number of new programs and (2) work on improving the conditions for increasing the volume and quality of scientific research in the coming period. The listed priorities refer to a set of activities that should jointly lead to the most important goal, which is to significantly improve the general quality of scientific and research work at DUNP. It is necessary that the projected improvement be measurable, that is, that at the end of the indicated period, the degree of fulfillment of the set goals can be clearly assessed and expressed.