The Civil Engineering study program lasts four years (8 semesters), has a total of 240 ESPB points, belongs to the field of technical sciences and gives the professional title of graduate civil engineer. The study program of civil engineering represents the rounding off of the professional education of civil engineers in accordance with positive national and international legal regulations.48 subjects are studied at OAS Civil Engineering, of which 39 are compulsory and 9 are optional. In the first year of study, 12 subjects are studied, of which 11 are compulsory and 1 is optional, chosen from the two subjects offered. In the second year of study, 12 subjects are studied, of which 11 are compulsory and 1 is optional, chosen from the two subjects offered. In the third year of study, 12 subjects are studied, of which 9 are compulsory and 3 are optional, one of which is chosen from the two subjects offered and the other two are chosen from the three subjects offered. In the fourth year, 12 subjects are studied, of which 8 are compulsory and 4 are optional, of which 2 are chosen from a group of 3 offered subjects.
The purpose is to prepare students for further training and to provide them with support in the identification of personal professional affinities, i.e. in the recognition of professional guidance.
Стечене компетенције омогућују им да примене стечена знања и вештине у пракси и пренесу их сарадницима на послу; да презентују резултате рада на одговарајући начин; да препознају, описују и решавају основне пројектантске и инжењерске проблеме; да разумеју интеракцију између пројектовања, грађења и захтева корисника, средине и друштва; да под руководством лиценцираног грађевинског инжењера-пројектанта пројектују објекте мање сложености да под руководством лиценцираног грађевинског инжењера-извођача, воде мањи грађевински пројекат.