Basic academic studies last 4 years (8 semesters). Students acquire knowledge and skills in the field of mathematics and computer science. The student chooses elective subjects at the beginning of the school year of the study he enrolls. The choice is made with the agreement of the head of the study group, in principle, from the offered subjects. All courses in the first and second year are compulsory. By choosing a course in the higher years of study, the student is directed towards an IT or mathematical discipline.
Education of students for clear recognition and definition of a profession related to mathematics and informatics in modern society, acquisition of opportunities for involvement in development and scientific work, solving problems in mathematics, informatics and other areas, where the application of mathematical tools is required, development of inclinations and the ability to engage in team work, improving the qualification structure of the population, meeting the need for professional and qualified staff in social, service, business and other activities, providing education that allows the student mobility in the educational space.
After completing basic academic studies, the student acquires the right to enroll in master’s studies. With the academic title Master of Informatics and Mathematics (300 ESPB), students meet the prescribed requirements regarding the level and type of education for teaching Mathematics in elementary school, as well as Informatics and Computing in elementary school, and Computing and Informatics in high school and professional schools.