The study program of basic academic studies LAW lasts four years (8 semesters), has a total of 240 ESPB points, belongs to the field of social and humanities and gives the professional title of graduate in law. Teaching methods depend on the type of teaching: active teaching, independent work of students, colloquiums, seminars, exams, homework, etc. In the first year of study, 8 compulsory subjects are studied. In the second year, a total of 7 subjects are studied, of which 5 are compulsory and 2 are optional, which are chosen from the 3 offered. In the third year, 7 subjects are studied, 5 compulsory and 2 optional, which are chosen from 3 offered subjects. In the fourth year, 8 subjects are studied, 6 are compulsory, and 2 are optional, which are chosen from the 3 offered. Courses are distributed evenly across semesters, according to the volume of subject content.
Education of students in the field of law, at the level of basic academic studies, which ensures the acquisition of appropriate competencies in the field of legal theory, development of law, functioning of the legal system, policy of administrative, financial and budget law, but also within the framework of family and inheritance law, criminology and criminology, labor and environmental, international public, private, trade law and international legal relations, etc
Enable students to acquire general and special practical knowledge and skills necessary for independent performance of legal affairs; acquiring knowledge of legal theory and practice at the internal-legal and international-legal level with a special emphasis on EU law; acquisition of necessary knowledge from positive legal disciplines; mastering the methods of solving legal problems; efficient application of acquired knowledge in practice; to participate in the creation of their educational profile by choosing subjects; high level of professional ethics; acquisition of basic knowledge for the use of information and communication technologies; introducing students to the scientific-educational process; continuation of further education.
Successful understanding of legal norms and rules of the legal profession; considering legal problems and making appropriate decisions; combining acquired theoretical and practical knowledge in order to analyze and solve specific legal problems; the possibility of professional and scientific communication with state and EU institutions, as well as with the immediate business environment; using literature in accordance with the need to expand one’s knowledge; ability to work in teams. After graduation, the student is trained to work in the judiciary, state and public administration, local self-government, companies, banks, financial and other organizations, agencies, consulting firms, etc.