Tempus projects of the State University in Novi Pazar:

1. Development of Teaching Education at the University of Novi Pazar – EDU SERBIA (JEP – 41119 – 2006)

2. Governance and Management Reform in Higher Education in Serbia (GOMES)

3. Strengthening Student Role in Governance and Management at the Universities of Serbia in line with the Bologna Process (SIGMUS)

4. Reforming Foreign Language Studies in Serbia (REFLESS)

5. Master programme for Subject Teachers in Serbia (MASTS)

6. Master programme in applied statistics (MAS)

7. Equal Access for All: Strenghtening the Social Dimension for a Stronger European Higher Education Area (EQUIED)

8. Development and Improvement of Automotive and Urban Engineering Studies in Serbia (DIAUSS)

9. Quality in Research (QiR)

10. Assisting humans with special needs: curriculum for Human-Tool Interaction Network (HUTON)

11. Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy Sources and Environmental Impacts – master study (ENERESE)

12. Fostering University Support Services and Procedures for Full Participation in the European Higher Education Area (FUSE)

13. Building Capacity of Serbian Agricultural Education to link with Society (CaSa)