Since its establishment in Graz with the status of a non-profit organization, it has been working to improve higher education in various countries around the world. Given that the State University in Novi Pazar is the youngest in Serbia and the only integrated one, WUS Austria has prepared a package of support measures for our university, which includes:
Master Studies Development Program (MSDP) – with the aim of creating market-oriented master’s programs.
E-learning center – Infrastructural support that will enable the introduction of modern teaching tools and methods with a special emphasis on electronic learning (eLearning).
Support to the management and administration of the university with special emphasis on quality assurance. To this end, the Office for Quality Assurance was formed at the State University in Novi Pazar, whose task is to provide information on the implementation of the quality system as well as support the university’s management in creating a quality assurance strategy.