The study program of basic academic studies Psychology belongs to the field of social and humanistic sciences, lasts four years (eight semesters) and has a total of 240 ESPB points (60 per study year, 30 per semester). The point value of the course is shown in the schedule of courses by semesters and years of study. It is harmonized with the principles of the Bologna Declaration of European Universities and the framework of study programs of Psychology in the European Community. The student who completes it obtains the title of graduate psychologist.
The purpose is to ensure the acquisition of scientific and professional knowledge and skills according to the needs of society and projected social development.
Professionalism, shows awareness, sensitivity and skills in working with different individuals and communities of different cultural, ethnic and other origins; applies ethical standards and concepts, knows the legal framework of the psychologist’s professional work with individuals, groups and organizations; applies the approach of reflective practice, self-evaluation and improvement of one’s competences, with adequate self-care; social and communication competence; scientific competence, etc.